Tuesday, January 12, 2016


 Fadama Information & Knowledge Service (FIKS) under the Third National Fadama Development project (Fadama III) received a grant from the Japanese Social Development Fund (JSDF), to establish sustainable Fadama Information, knowledge and business advisory services (FIKS) to increase farm productivity and rural household incomes in the poorest sections of Fadama communities in Nigeria.

As a pilot, the project would be carried out in 4 states in Nigeria namely: Cross River State => Ikwa Clan FCA, Lagos State => Amaladun FCA, Sokoto State => Bodinga FCA, Yobe State => Kasatcha FCA.
SLM Grant : Scaling up SLM Practice, Knowledge and Coordination (Fadama III-GEF) is a three-and-a-half-year incremental GEF grant to the Federal Republic of Nigeria, focused on mainstreaming Sustainable Land Management (SLM) in Nigeria’s agricultural sector.
The Global Environment Facility (GEF) Support to Fadama III Project is financing the Scaling up of Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Practice, Knowledge and Coordination in 30 States in the Country and the FCT to a tune of $ 6.8M. Being fully integrated into the Third National Fadama Development Program , the GEF incremental grant will close at the same time.
Nutrition Grant : In order to optimize nutrition outcomes from investments in agriculture, Fadama III + AF was designed to improve smallholder farmers’ productivity and as well lay the foundation for integrating nutrition into extension or advisory service delivery in Nigeria.
Through a recently secured seed grant from nutrition knowledge platform, the project intends to support the promotion of nutrition-sensitive agriculture interventions in areas of training of Extension Agents (EAS), training of Production Groups and conduct of baseline/skill gap analysis including regulatory capacity strengthening for monitoring and enforcement of food fortification at retail level.

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