Approximately 1.3-1.6 Gtonnes of food is lost or wasted globally every year, which is estimated to have enormous environmental (ca 3.3 Gtonnes of CO2 eq. greenhouse gas emission/year, 305 cubic km water/year, 1.5 billion ha land to grow food that is wasted), social (936 billion US$) and economic (1055 billion US$) costs. Also the food loss and waste has an impact on food security, natural resource availability, and local and national economies. FAO through the “Save Food” initiative is working with partners to develop, plan and implement initiatives for efficient use of resources and harmonization of methodologies, strategies and approaches. Globally many plant resources are being used either as food or as animal feed. This dual purpose use raises questions how to consider a change of utilization of plant resources from food to animal feed within the context of food losses and waste. Similarly if food gets lost or wasted a part of these losses can be converted to animal feed.
FAO is in the process of developing a framework and an action plan on ‘Food Loss and Waste plus Non-Food Part to Livestock Feed’ with the objective to develop criteria for setting the boundaries between dual purpose use and food loss, and to enhance animal feed availability without compromising animal health and welfare and animal product safety and quality, and meeting legislative requirements.
The aim of the e-conference is to seek guidance on: a) the aims, scope and boundaries of the framework; b) implementation of the framework, and c) role of different stakeholders, from academia, feed and food industries, civil societies, policy makers, extension workers to farmers in the implementation.
How to join
The e-conference is open to all persons interested in the topic, is free (there is no registration fee) and will be moderated.
To join the e-mail conference, send an e-mail to listserv@listserv.fao.org leaving the subject blank and entering the following text:
subscribe FAO-FoodLoss2AnimalFeed-L
After you have sent the email, you will get an email containing a link. You need to click on the link to complete your subscription.
Should you face any problem in the subscription, you may contact us.
What next
On 15th September 2015 we will post a ‘Background Document’ containing a draft framework and an action plan on ‘Food Loss and Waste plus Non-Food Part to Livestock Feed’. It will set the scene for this e-conference. It will also provide information on how the conference will be run and how you can send your contribution.
It may please be noted that contributions from participants will be available only to those who have joined the e-conference by subscribing to the FAO-FoodLoss2AnimalFeed-L list by following the procedure given above. Also you will be able to contribute to the e-conference only if you have joined the e-conference.
How the E-conference will be run?
Starting 1 October, every week, we will send a set of questions that originate from the Background Document to all registered participants. You may send your reply to the questions and other related contributions any time of the day/night and the moderator will send it to the registered participants within a couple of hours of your sending the contribution. You will receive our questions and replies/contributions from the participants through FAO-Foodloss2Animalfeed-L@listserv.fao.org.
Each contribution or a message from participants will be given a number by the moderator, in the sequence they will be sent to participants (message from the Moderator will not have a number and if a moderator wants to place a text within a contribution from a participant, with the purpose to enhance clarity, that will be presented in a square parentheses and it will mention as --- from moderator). While giving comments and views on a contribution or message, please state last name of the contributor and serial number of the message to which your comments/views are addressed. This may be given at the beginning of your message. If your contribution is related to a question that we would raise every week, you may refer to the question and start your reply. At the end of the message, please provide your name, affiliation and country. You are also requested to capitalise last name while sending a message, so that your name is properly quoted.
On 1 October 2015 we will send a welcome note to the registered participants and open the E-conference with a set of questions for you to address.
To which email you need to send your contribution?
As of 1 October 2015, please send your contribution to: FAO-FoodLoss2AnimalFeed-L@listserv.fao.org
Best regards,
Harinder Makkar
Livestock Production Systems Branch
Animal Production and Health Division
FAO, Rome, Italy
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