It seems logical that the world wheat record harvest per hectare/acre could be established in a year when world cereal output is the third highest on record. The world record for wheat production at 16.52 tonnes per hectare (249.6 bushels per acre) was set in the United Kingdom.
The new record was set by Rod Smith on his Beal Farm located in Northumberland near the Scottish border overlooking Holy Island. Verdesian Life Sciences reported the record, which beat the record wheat yield title holder, Mike Solari of New Zealand; the record yield had been 15.64 T./Ha.
The Beal Farm agronomy team was assisted by agronomists at agricultural retailer Agrii as a part of its British 15-Tonnes Project born out of Agrii research and development and designed to help farmers push wheat yield boundaries. “Our initial focus was on soil management,” Smith explained. “We used tracked equipment, effective subsoiling, rotational plowing, furrow incorporation and the application of 500 T./Ha. of muck annually. We also relied on soil testing and broad-spectrum tissue analyses.”
Crop nutrient uptake came from applications of Nutri-Phite PGA (Take-Off in the U.S.) and four split nitrogen applications. Four fungicide sprays were also made to the wheat.
As to the world cereal production in 2016, the United Nation’s Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) has set the number at 2,521 million tonnes, just 0.2 percent off last year’s output and third-highest on record. The FAO looks at the cereal supply in terms of food supply for feeding the world as a positive more than concern about the price to growers.
A small decline in 2016/2017 world cereal production is projected by FAO because of lower worldwide wheat production, which is now expected to amount to 712.7 million tonnes, some 20 million tonnes less than in 2015. The decline mostly reflects smaller plantings in the Russian Federation and Ukraine, both affected by dry weather.
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