Saturday, March 26, 2016

Addressing the grazing challenge

• Fulani cattle
For want of a grazing field, cattle have been invading farmlands. Such invasions have led to clashes between cattle rearers and farmers. Some experts are calling for the establishment of grazing zones in the North to address the problem, DANIEL ESSIET reports.
The livestock sector makes large net contributions to food supply. Red meat provides protein for about 150 million people. The cattle that supply red provides food, and also other products, such as leather, traction and manure.

Traditionally, farmlands in the West and South provide pasture and water for the cattle, which graze the land.
But the challenge of feeding the cattle has negative social, environmental and animal welfare implications. This is because the cattle roam large areas, causing damage to properties as well as natural resources.
Last month, farmers in Ondo State  counted their losses after the invasion of their farms by Fulani herdsmen. The siege led to the destruction of crops worth millions of naira by their cattle.
The cattle grazed farms, trampling on crops, which included maize. The Ondo State Agricultural Commodities Association demanded N2 billion compensation from the Federal Government for the colossal loss suffered by cocoa and oil palm plantations owners affected during the raid.
In a communiqué signed by its Chairman, Akinola Olotu and the Secretary, Obaweya Gbenga, the group called for “urgent government assistance” for the affected farmers. The group said the menace of the nomads transcended grazing on crops, with “a new dimension of bush burning, rape and physical attack with machetes, robbery, kidnapping and destruction being recorded across the state”.
The group called for measures to tackle the nomadic Fulani herdsmen.
According to the group, the activities of the normads make them more dangerous and destructive as they destroy properties during raids.The farmers said they were living in fear of the Fulani cattle rearers.
They said they could no longer entertain Fulani herdsmen and their cattle because they’re not law-abiding.
The group has despatched a petition to the National Assembly on the matter.
Olotu noted that the activities of Fulani herdsmen had become a serious problem and that the nomadic system of cattle rearing was obsolete.
Also, farmers and residents of agrarian communities in some local government areas of Ogun State, also had some gory tales to tell on the menace of Fulani cattle rearers. Following their invasion, many lives were lost while properties worth millions of Naira were destroyed allegedly by Fulani marauders. It was gathered that the Fulani herdsmen move with their cattle from one of these agrarian communities to the other wreaking havoc.
Indeed, conflicts over grazing and watering resources have become a major livelihood challenge for farming communities and pastoralists. The struggles for grazing lands have brought conflict between the Fulani pastoralists and crop farmers.   Cattle rearers from the North come to the South to graze.
This is because of the low level of productivity across pastoral areas in the North, caused by  heat, aridity, low soil fertility, and unusually sharp seasonality. Associated with this is rainfall variability and periodic droughts that disturb long-term growth of herds.
To address this, the Federal Government is introducing improved pasture seeds from Brazil to increase availability of fodder for cattle.
Globally, improved pasture seeds, help dairy farmers increase nutrition levels, growth rates and reduce reliance on supplementary feeding. Besides, pasture is the most efficient, effective and economic source of feed for grazing-based livestock enterprises.
For the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Chief Audu Ogbeh, improved pasture is important to grazers, livestock owners and breeders.
With improved pasture seeds, he stressed that Nigeria can get excellent grass and legume seeds that are guaranteed to improve the vitality of the national herds under proper management.
Even if planted in marginal areas with poor  soil and harsh environmental conditions, he noted that they were able to produce forage of high quality.
Ogbeh stressed that the government was promoting improved pasture seeds to help cattle rearers and promote profitable livestock production.
Consequently, the seeds will be made available to seed suppliers and cattle producers.
In addition, the Minister explained that the government would acquire deep water rigs and build windmills to operate wells that will provide water for the planned grazing grounds.
He added: “The massive paddocks for animal grazing will not only improve the quantity and quality of beef and milk produced in the country but will also make cattlerearers more sedentary.”
Ogbeh said the Federal Government would embark on programme to develop massive grazing grounds for cattle to bring rearing and its attendant problems, such as Fulani herdsmen/farmers clashes to an end.
Mainly, the improved pastured seeds programme is targeting pastoral herders in dry land hotspots of the North.
This is besides the effort to find new ways to help communities living in the North to become more resilient and to increase their agricultural yields and incomes.
The Director, Animal Production and Husbandry  Services Department, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr. Egejuru Eze, explained that the Brachiaria grass cultivars from Brazil  that government planned to introduce into the country is known for its productivity, vigour and high nutritive value and  would also improve the nitrogen level, over- all healthy structure of the soil.
Mrs Eze said Brachiaria grass, which has good nutritional value that will result in higher weight gain per year per area, also has the ability to thrive in various ecological zones while the cultivation will be on commercial basis and privately led.
She said: “We also have different type of seeds that can grow in different ecological zones of the country, we are going to bring improved pasture seeds/cultivars and plant them in different ecological zones where they will thrive to improve the pastures we have in those areas.”
The director pointed out that improved pastures seeds were needed to be introduced and tested to increase pasture on commercial basis.
She said Brachiaria was under evaluation in Brazil for over 18 years and was derived from an accession introduced from Nairobi, Kenya, citing the oil palm seed that was taken from NIFOR in Nigeria to Malaysia for development many years ago.
She said Brachiaria grass is an excellent option that needs to be evaluated under Nigerian conditions.
The director said governments would exploit the growth of Alfalfa, a leguminous pasture, which is suitable for dairy cattle production in the temperate areas such as Mambila Plateau, Adamawa, Jos Plateau and Obudu.
To solve the problem, the  President, Federation of Agricultural Commodity Association of Nigeria (FACAN), Dr. Victor Iyama, canvassed that state governments in the North collaborate with FACAN to develop pasturelands systems that would support grazing of livestock by both landed and landless keepers.
Experts believe Nigeria requires an increase in livestock production, especially, beef and dairy.

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